Necker Island

The question

When we were tasked with presenting an exclusive money-can’t-buy itinerary to a luxury destination that offered an outstanding mix of activities, leisure time and indulgent touches throughout – we were confident we had an ace up our sleeve. It was vital that the destination be somewhere that even these well-travelled retailers would never have visited on their personal holidays, as the client’s objective was to motivate the strongest of its retail partners to fulfil stretch sales and business targets in order to win a place – so with that we settled on Richard Branson’s second home, Necker Island.

The solution


With all the onsite activities included, guests could choose to do as much, or as little, as they wished. Diving, water-skiing, sailing, paddle boarding and Branson’s favorite pastime of kitesurfing were all on the watersports menu – the man himself even dropped in for a quick chat with guests during Necker’s famous surfboard sushi lunch.

In addition to numerous hammocks swaying in the tropical breeze, the island also boasts two infinity pools, a swim-up bar and a beachside hot tub for those who preferred to soak up the idyllic setting and Caribbean pace of life with a cocktail or two in hand. With unparalleled barefoot luxury, VIP exclusivity and a completely personalized programme, there was no better way to reward retailers who’d gone the extra mile to secure their spot. It’s definitely one that will live long in the memory of all those who attended.

All the retailers agreed that the trip had incentivized them to overachieve in order to win a place on the plane. Guests reserved special praise for the organization of the programme and noted that it had set a new bar for their internal events. When quizzed on potential improvements, their silence spoke volumes.

Necker Island is a paradise for team building, where luxury and adventure go hand in hand.

Richard Branson

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